Breaking the Borders is back in Glasgow on June 22nd, 2024.
We are very pleased to announce Breaking the Borders Vol. IV, taking place in Glasgow on the 22nd of June 2024.

To start the day off will be joined by Patrick Derieg in Milk Cafe, who will be delivering a talk on the past and future of the Internet. Patrick is a member of, the autonomous collective on whose servers Interregnum is hosted, and is an ethical coder and freelance IT technician from Austria. His writing has been translated for Interregnum and is available here and here. The talk will be followed by an open discussion.
Per Interregnum tradition, the night will be capped off with antifascist hip hop from around the world at Bloc+. Selbstlaut will once again be joining us from Vienna. Alongside him, we will have Glaswegian hip hop legends Tickle and Sound Thief, who will be accompanied by Ksorki (Athens). We are very happy to also include the incredible, up and coming Ramzee, who has turned a lot of heads through her recent performances, and Wysten (Lisbon/Luanda) who will be presenting his new band, the Bojangles. The gig will be held together by SNDO Beats (Colombia) on the decks.
In both events we will be collecting donations for Palestine and Interregnum. Everything we do will always be free for everyone, but we rely on your support to keep going. Bring some change and spread the word!
We are busily organising events in multiple cities over the next few months. If you would like to be involved, contact us! The email is, and we are always eager to collaborate with more people and collectives.
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